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Bicycle Safety Tips from Ontario’s Injury Lawyers

Cycling is a great source of exercise and an easy mode of transportation for people of all ages. However, because of the high potential risk for head injuries to cyclists, the province of Ontario has a mandatory bike helmet law in place for all riders under the age of 18. Anyone under the age of 18 who rides any type of bicycle on Ontario roads, such as a tricycle, a bike, a tandem, or in a children’s bicycle seat, must wear an approved bicycle helmet.

Make sure to prioritize the following safety precautions before hitting the open road:

  • Obey all traffic controls
  • Ride with the flow of traffic
  • Avoid riding at night
  • Give pedestrians the right-of-way
  • Keep your bicycle in good condition
  • Never carry another person on your bicycle
  • Always use hand signals when turning or stopping
  • Look out for cars when crossing streets, driveways and parking areas
  • Always be aware of other vehicles on the road
  • Make sure small children are always under supervision while riding their bikes and that they are wearing properly fitting, approved helmets (this video from Livestrong.com offers helpful advice on how to choose a bike helmet)

Even with the helmet law in place, we cannot prevent accidents of this type altogether. If you or someone you know has been involved in a cycling accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact us online for a free legal consultation or call 1-800-563-6348 to speak directly with one of our lawyers.

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